Estreno de GIRIH en Granada

23 de marzo de 2019, 19.30h


para violín y arpa (Estreno)

La Alhambra interpretada: sonidos, imágenes y palabras

Sala de conferencias del Palacio de Carlos V, GRANADA

Cecilia Bercovich, violín
Cristina Montes, arpa

a Ángel de Zavala Castella
(Granada 1927 - Madrid 1990)

duración: 3' a  

Sobre Girih

About "Toy Counterpoints", for Toy Piano

Published by BabelScores

2-Allegro deciso
3-Toy Dance

My toy piano works are the result of Antonietta Loffredo's incitation to write for this instrument. These are pieces for a 25 keys toy piano. It is a very limited register but i loved the restriction of write a score combining careful and detailed writing with the naif and magic sound of this instrument. 

Toy Counterpoints is dedicated to Antonietta Loffredo. The first (Moderato) and the second (Allegro deciso) were composed at 2015 and premiered by Antonietta at Risuonanze, Incontri di nuove musiche at Molfalcone. The third (Toy Dance) was recently (2019) premiered at Como, at The Music as Play Festival. While the second piece is a kind of Passacaglia with some jokes in it, the first and the third move in a magic-oniric universe, but Toy Dance becomes almost hypnotic, a kind of inner ritual dance.

Margaret Lucia: PLAY THE PIANO, en la semana cultural del Conservatorio Teresa Berganza

11 de marzo de 2019, 18.30h

Play the piano

Margaret Lucia, piano

Concierto de Compositoras Españoles y Estadounidenses:
Paying homage to the past, embracing the present, exploring the future

Auditorio del Conservatorio Profesional de música Teresa Berganza

c/Palmípedo 3, Madrid

Bestiarium en Musikene

Viernes18 de enero de 2019

18.30h Presentación 
A cargo de Mercedes Zavala, Manuel Hidalgo y Gabriella de Esteban. 
Modera Zuriñe F. Gerenabarrena.

19.30h concierto